
World Exhibition of Orchids, Bonsai and Succulents | Monstrous Miracles | PlantPorn

Do you love plants? You can’t miss this event. Three exhibitions in one place and time! On April 6-7, Amberexpo will host: the World Exhibition of Orchids, Bonsai and Succulents, MONSTER WONDERS – the Amazing Exhibition of Carnivorous Plants and PlantPorn – the Great Plant Fair. We invite you!

World Exhibition of Orchids, Bonsai and Succulents
See the most beautiful flowers in the world live!

A fabulous land of thousands of the most wonderful plants in the world will be created in Gdańsk.
Countless colors, shapes and scents will create a paradise for your senses.
Thanks to them, we will provide you with wonderful experiences that you will remember for the rest of your life!

Fantastic orchids will reign among extraordinary and huge artistic installations. They will be prepared by the best florists! You will probably never experience anything more amazing! Stunning orchid tunnels, gates and dresses are just a small part of the planned arrangements.

The most impressive bonsai trees that will come to the World Exhibition are real works of art. Especially for you, they were created by real virtuosos. The oldest specimens at the Exhibition can be up to 100 years old! Often, this will be the only and unique opportunity to see them live.

This is where you will meet succulents that will make you instantly WOOOW! Unique specimens of cacti and more will enrich the World Exhibition.


MONSTER WONDERS – Amazing Exhibition of Carnivorous Plants

We collected the most bloodthirsty specimens and built the greatest exhibition of carnivorous plants in the world!
We turned the rebellious part of the flora into a large and hungry jungle. I can’t wait until they finally go hunting!

They can do more than you can imagine!
The hungriest ones can hunt mice and even small birds.
They have learned not to leave any trace after their crimes.
Did you know they can even measure time?

Evolution has made them extremely beautiful, colorful and fragrant. All this to attract potential VICTIM!
Each of them has its own favorite menu that we would like to present to you. You can check it yourself, live during FEEDING SHOWS!

Specially selected specimens from all over the world that will give you the effect of goosebumps!
Incredibly beautiful and intriguing, a huge living exhibition thanks to which you will see with your own eyes and understand that nature is even more extraordinary than you could ever imagine


PlantPorn – The Great Plant Fair

Thousands of excellent potted plants from around the world will be at your fingertips during the PlantPorn fair!
This is where you will be able to let your plant imagination run wild.
Finally, we will satisfy your chlorophyll cravings with mega specimens at the best prices!
We met several thousand top gardeners from different continents. We reached the most outstanding farms, the most exotic greenhouses and selected the best plants ESPECIALLY FOR YOU!
You will be shocked when you see these wonderful plants! Fabulous species, varieties and truly hardcore LIVE promotions!
We pulled plant stars straight from the sky for you!
There’s just one minor problem. You cannot delay purchasing tickets – the event is very popular and the number of available places is very limited.

Be sure to check it out ->

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